Don’t overplay your role – Bar. Banji Alabi
“Even those we took bullet for, complained that our blood stained their favorite shirts.”
Don’t over play your role.
Pausing for a moment, I reflected on the weight of those words. It was a harsh reminder that even when we put ourselves in harm’s way for others, our efforts might not always be appreciated. I thought back to the times I had gone above and beyond, only to be met with criticism or ingratitude.
“Don’t overplay your role,” I whispered to myself, a bitter taste in my mouth. It was a phrase that echoed in my mind, a cautionary tale of the perils of selflessness. Even those I had protected, those I had taken a bullet for, had complained that my blood had stained their favorite shirts. The irony was not lost on me.
In that moment, I realized that I had been taking on too much, shouldering the burdens of others without regard for my own well-being. I had been so focused on being the hero that I had forgotten to prioritize my own needs. The phrase became a stark reminder to reassess my actions, to find a balance between compassion and self-preservation.
As I moved forward, I carried those words with me, a reminder to stay grounded and avoid the pitfalls of martyrdom. I learned to set boundaries, to prioritize my own needs, and to recognize that I couldn’t pour from an empty cup. The phrase “Don’t overplay your role” became a mantra, a guiding principle in my journey towards self-awareness and emotional intelligence.
So friends – Don’t Overplay Your Role
You will Succeed